Pilgrimage to Venerate the Relics of St. John Vianney

The heart of the Cure of Ars, patron saint of parish priests, has been traveling throughout the United States for the edification of the faithful. Given that the SSPX exists for the priesthood, and is dedicated to everything connected to it, a chance to pray before this relic is a momentous one. A young visitor shares with us his experience in visiting this relic.
When we heard that the incorrupt heart of St. Jean Vianney was coming to Churches near us we were thrilled by the great opportunity to go and venerate such a sacred relic. Incendo, the teen group of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church joined many parishioners of both St. Joseph’s and St. Anne’s attending the veneration at both Michigan locations: St. John Vianney Church in Shelby Township and Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. Throughout almost five hours of veneration at each location, thousands of people from all around waited in line to venerate the incorrupt heart of the renowned Curé of Ars. It was a great experience and it was very uplifting to see so many good souls taking the time and opportunity to give honor to God through the veneration of the incorrupt heart of one of His greatest Saints.
— Luke Kalil