Activities for Formation of the Whole Christian

The Eagles Football League, or EFL, has been a tradition at St. Joseph's Academy for decades.
The formation of well-balanced personalities depends upon the well-rounded education of the whole man, body and soul, through the constant exercise of both natural and supernatural virtues.
At St. Joseph’s Academy, an emphasis is given to the arts, especially to music and singing, which refine and temper youth's sensibilities. In addition to music class, concerts are held annually to showcase the songs the students have been perfecting throughout the year.
Since manual skills develop a student's practical sense and spirit of service to others, crafts and fine art projects are incorporated into the curriculum as a welcome contrast to more rigorous academic subjects.
Physical training and organized sports provide opportunities of burning off the students’ excess energy while teaching them to live in harmony with their fellow students. In addition to regular recess periods and physical education class, the students participate in organized intramural tournaments in kickball, basketball, and flag football. Each spring, St. Joseph’s Field Day is held, providing games, sports, and athletic challenges for the entire student body.
Last, but certainly not least, skits and plays are scheduled throughout the academic year. These stage productions, whether simply entertaining or of great literary significance, give students opportunities to learn dramatic skills and experience some of the world’s great literature in a first-hand manner.

The cast of a recent production of Everyman.