Winter Sports at St. Joseph's Academy

Source: St. Joseph's Academy

Since December, the fourth through eighth grade students of St. Joseph’s Academy have been practicing and competing at the ping-pong net.

Each day at recess, various students would face-off, developing their skills and preparing for the final tournament. Many of the students had never played ping-pong before, but the hard work paid off. In the first two weeks of March, the real competition began between the top competitors who had earned a spot in the tournament. The students were divided into three groups: the older boys, the older girls, and the fourth through sixth grade boys and girls. There was a first-place winner for each group. Kateri house took two of the three (Amy Hetrick and Ian Garno), and Solanus house (Daniel Flores) won for the younger grades. Much fun was had by all! The students are looking forward to next year’s tournament.